Saturday, 31 January 2009

Heart of Darkness...

Haunting, beautiful photographs from Nicholas Hughes, that have a lovely serene quality. Enjoy


Nostalgic images from The Franklin Fountain website. And yes they are a real shop too so if your ever in Philadelphia check it out. Their menu looks delicious.

Recession inspiration...

Vintage number crunching. I might make this a regular post-recession related inspiration... Enjoy

Bizarre and beautiful...

Werid and wonderful photographs from Gneborg. Don't you just love them, rarely art makes you laugh out loud. Enjoy.

Walking into walls...

Beautiful hand-printed wallpaper from Deborah Bowness. I feel after a while you would want to put your hand out and grab the filling cabinet, or book, printed on the wall, they would become another piece of furniture. Lovely way to to make a dull room exciting.

Are you Obedient Sons and Daughters?...

Screen shots from the website of the clothing brand Obedient Sons and Daughters. I love collections of ephemera like this, they remind me not to throw anything away without really thinking about it first. And don't you love the old cameras. Beautiful.

Old world beauty...

Amazing old-world styled skincare shop called Aesop in London. It really reminds me of an old chemists shop with all those bottles lined up like that. And don't you love the little spiral staircase.

Friday, 30 January 2009

Your own crescent moon...

Beautiful, quirky photographs, unfortunately I don't know who created them. Enjoy

Spread the Inspiration...

I put together these posters to advertise the blog today. So feel free to print them off and help spread the inspiration.

My dream home...

Isn't this house amazing, my absolute dream home. It combines vintage, elegance and simplicity yet still looks like it would be livable, and would you believe it, it's in London!
via Shoot Factory

Moleskine miracles...

These lovely illustrations are inside the classic Moleskin journals, don't you wish you made that much effort with your Moleskin. See more beautiful pages at the artist, Juan Rayos' Flickr page.

Abandoned majesty....

Beautiful images of old abandoned swimming pools. I feel like the top one would make a nice loft style apartment, no?
via 2 or 3 things I know

Is that The Birds, no it's The Row...

Although they look like stills from the Hitchcock thriller The Birds they are in fact publicity shots for the fashion line The Row SS09 collection. Even though you can hardly see the clothes, the photos are beautiful.
via 2 or 3 things I know

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Time for Interiors...

I thought I'd post something on interiors, and how couldn't I, look how beautiful these rooms are. Enjoy
via 2 or 3 things I know

Mad Men Vintage...

No they're not stills from the wonderful tv show Mad Men but in fact work from the photographer Bethany Obrecht. She creates elaborate vintage styled set-up shots which have a look somewhere between Cindy Sherman's film stills and Mad Men. I thought I'd follow on from the vintage look of the last post, besides you can never have too much vintage.


An old photograph from Good Life magazine in the 1940's. Don't you love how's she so dressed up to rivet, whatever that is. Wouldn't it be nice if people still made that much effort.
via 2 or 3 Things I know.

A Grimacing Face...

Lovely illustrations from a student I met whilst doing a painting and drawing course in Paris with Parsons School of Design. See more of her work here

Book Artist Georgia Russel...

I found this whilst doing research on the internet and thought it was incredible. She's cut up a lot of other books in similar ways, here's a link showing her other work: Georgia Russel