Saturday, 14 November 2009

From Zoolander to W magazine...

I watched the hilarious fashion industry parody 'Zoolander' last night. In one scene the fashion designer Mugatu designs a 'homeless chic' collection called Derelicte. Then today I found these images from W magazine, where models are presented like they're homeless. But in true fashion fantasy style instead of being wrapped in bin liners and dirty old clothes, they're draped in designer clothes and designer shopping bags. I love how such a ridiculous idea from Zoolander has made its way into reality. Enjoy.

W magazine Art issue part 2...

More images from W magazine's Art Issue. So what do they do? They pose models next to art, its a kind of obvious solution but I like the result. Enjoy.

W magazine Art issue...

These images are part of W magazine's Art Issue. I'm not sure how successful they are, more to come. Enjoy

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Film Grain...

I took some photos of my house-mate the other day for a project, and I got the film put onto cd at Snappy Snaps. When I uploaded them I noticed how visible the film grain was. Usually I wouldn't like that but I think it looks quite nice here. Enjoy.

Mood Board/ Inspiration Wall

I found these images of someone's 'inspiration wall' whilst browsing through blogs yesterday, and I thought I might start one in my room. I hope these might inspire others to do the same. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Photograph as Object...

I really love these images, they play with the tactility of the photograph. I recently did a project around the idea of 'photograph as object' and think these fulfill that concept. Enjoy.

Autumn is here...

Here are a few photos I took of my house-mate for her blog Bam Bam Chic. To see the rest check out her blog.

I'm finnaly back ...

Hi everyone, I've returned!!! I've finally decided to start posting again. yay! As well as the usual plethora of inspirational goodies, I will also be posting my own images. Some from my photography course, and some from a collaboration with my house-mate Rosie, who has started a fashion blog called Bam Bam Chic.

P.S. Do you like the new simplified banner?